Saturday, November 28, 2009

Avec Eric!

Been on a marathon of Avec Eric!

Beautifully shot with great food, wine, places and excursions! Love his easy humor and how he describes food, nature, life, spirituality with such grounded passion.

Anyway, there's something really really really special waiting at the Strand bookstore relating to...

Dali – artist, visionaire, food obsessed, awesome titler

Average French Bread with Two Eggs on the Plate without the Plate, on Horseback, Attempting to Sodomize a Crumb of Portugese Bread 1932

Image obtained from Salvador Dali Catalog

Retrospective Bust of a Woman 1933
Salvador DalĂ­. Retrospective Bust of a Woman. 1933 (some elements reconstructed 1970)
Image obtained from Moma